Swim Lessons
My baby girl swims now. She's a swimmer. Well, ok that may be an exaggeration. She definitely flails, she kinda kicks. Oh and she for sure chokes and splutters when you dunk her (not my idea, blame the swim teacher!) We started swim lessons about a week ago, and the girl took to them instantly. As I have mentioned before, I won't allow any insinuation that my progeny aren't natural swimmers because "IT'S IN THE GENES"; but she even surprised me with how comfortable she seemed in the water. Since Adair has done basically everything to keep this child alive for the last 10 months, I jumped at swim lessons as my opportunity to take the lead on a parenting job and maybe give the wife some time (27 minutes) to herself. The lessons themselves though, are bananas. Let's go through them bit by bit here: Location: Oregon City Pool When I said I would never move to the suburbs, I meant it, and I stand by it. I can't afford to live in Portl...