Geocaching and Fish

Hey all,

Things have been real fun for us in the last few weeks, but with work, busy weekends, UO football, etc., we have been too busy to put all of our exploits on the blog! So here are some updates:

First, Adair and I began a fun new hobby today known as "Geocaching." It's a fairly simple activity, that has apparently been going on right under all of our noses for quite some time (kind of like disc golf). Basically, people hide little waterproof treasure boxes out in the world, and upload the GPS coordinates to Then, other "cachers" go out and look for them, and if you find one, you sign an enclosed logbook and take a small prize therein, leaving something of equal or greater value. You would be extremely surprised how many of these things there are in the world, I would be willing to bet there is one within 2 miles of your home right now! Here is a picture of our very first find, (it was in a tupperware container in a bush, next to a bank):

In other news, we also took a trip with our friends Cristin, Corey, and Becka to the New Orleans Aquarium. For the most part, we just bragged to anyone who would listen about having seen Keiko at the Newport Aquarium back in the day, but we had some fun.

He's too cool for the aquarium, but we took him anyway.

Some of you may have fallen victim in the past to my proclivity to take closeup candid shots, in an effort to really capture a person's essence up close. My latest muse: Becka Braker.
Aquarium face.

I call this...wonderment.

My new facebook banner, I named this guy Seth. He looked like a puffer fish, but never puffed.

Bet you didn't know I had this shot, did ya Corey? #mancrush

Braker doesn't know how flash works, so it's a bit dark, but we are better looking in the dark anyway.
Cristin, bird whisperer.

Adair LOVES birds, can't you tell?

 Fat bird...bending the feeding stick hardcore. Also scaring Adair to death.

Pretty cool shot of a group of seahorses.

Otters are not easy to photograph. This was the best shot I got. As usual, they were pretty much the best exhibit in the entire place. So much energy! Lovin life.

Adair and an awesome turtle. Made her miss our buddy Irwin back home.

Unsupervised hawk. Don't know what he was up to, but whatever it was, he was doing it well.

Unsupervised hawk's friend, unsupervised owl. Wasn't too willing to have his photo taken.

As you may or may not already have seen on facebook, the trip back to the car was long, and filled with peril. We got a bit soaked.

Finally a candid photo of Becka. This is what her face looks like when she's not posing for the camera.

Bird: "Shhhh, don't tell him I'm here..."

This bird does not look like he's buyin' what I'm sellin'.


  1. Hey there, I'm curious to know what they do for Thanksgiving down there in Cajun and Creole country. Blackened turkey? Turkey etoufee?
    A friend of mine here is SO INTO geocaching, she and her husband plan their vacations around it. It's a great way to get out and see new places, very cool. There's at least one cache at Salem Public Library; I bet there's one at NOPL too.
    Big game tomorrow, and I don't mean Tulane vs. whoever.
    Go Ducks!


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