Neglectful Blogging

Hey everyone!

If you thought for a second that we had forgotten about you, you are wrong! On the other hand, if you thought for a second I had forgotten about this blog, you are right on the money. I must apologize for being so lax in my posting. With work in full swing and school keeping me busy, it has been easy to let blogging fall by the wayside.

But no more! We have been up to lots of fun activities lately, with many great pictures stagnating and filling up my camera's memory card. So, in one unceremonious photo dump, I present you with Dane and Adair's adventures from the last few months:

Some of these pictures are from an awesome swamp tour that we took about 20 minutes from our place, some are from the NFL Experience Expo that swept into town with the Superbowl, and several are from a Mardi Gras parade that we went to yesterday called the Krewe of Tucks (as in Friar Tuck). I'll try to caption most of the photos to let you know what's going on.

Adair holding our tour guide's baby gator

At the NFL experience, we participated in a few of the drills that NFL rookies go through before getting drafted. This one tested my vertical leap...18.5 inches.
What an adorable swamp couple.

Same deal. This combine drill is called the broad jump. Think my distance was 5'11".
After the swamp tour, we took a quick GeoCaching break off the swampy highway. 

Adair and her two teacher friends, Becka and Cristin.

Man that PBR was delicious after a long day of standing and running through NFL drills. Notice the love in Adair's eyes.

This was me doing my best Sebastian Janikowski impression while wearing jeans and slip on shoes. It was utterly unimpressive.

Swamp turtle party.

Young gator on the banks. Most of the big ones were still in deep-mud hibernation.

Corey taking his turn with the baby. Our crazy Cajun tour guide is back there...probably ranting about how the education system is ruining the children of today.

I just thought this was hilarious. Income tax preparation for Spanish a daiquiri stand.

Display of past Superbowl rings.

My turn with the gator. It may look like I am squeezing the life out of it like Lenny from "Of Mice and Men," but I assure you, I am very gentle.

My hands were almost as long as Warren Sapp's, (one of my all-time favorite Raiders), and they were equally as chubby.

 Adair's turn at the quarterback drill. I think she hit 2/3.
More broad jump pics.

Cam Newton, one of my all time most hated players, made a stop RIGHT IN FRONT OF US while we waited in line for the 40 yard dash. I yelled "Go Ducks" at him twice, but he didn't seem to notice.

I'll admit...I was a bit starstruck.

Corey, Becka, and I (and some rando kid) racing each other in the 40 yard dash. I may have lost, but at least I didn't get "utterly destroyed" as Adair had predicted. She won't seem to believe that I was fast once upon a time.

Adair in front of Tulane University's famous bead tree. We threw a few more up there for good luck.
First impression of a big Mardi Gras's like the biggest tailgate you have ever been to.

I have bigger hands than Primetime Sanders!

Parade onlookers.

Everyone on this float was wearing Oregon State Beaver gear for some reason. A little slice of home.

Star Wars float!

Bought Adair this Mardi Gras squid hat. One of my best decisions ever.

LOADED down with beads. A successful day.

The aftermath...might as well be the end of the world.

Prisoner cleanup crew! So that's how they do it...

She's got the crazy eye.

That's all for now! Promise to post more again soon.



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