Time to Start Writing Again

Well hello there. Four short years have passed since my last blog post, in which I lamented about not blogging enough. My typing fingers have atrophied. My dry wit has become utterly moist. Strangely, my urge to curse via the interwebs remains top-fuckin-notch.

During those years, life events have happened. Tears have been shed (not by me), laughs have been had (caused by me), and passive voice has often been used.

Adair and I moved back home to Salem, Oregon. I got a job in Portland, she got a job in Aurora, so we moved to Portland. We got married! Hopefully you were there. If not, rest assured that I danced my ass off and sweated just a totally inappropriate amount. Uhhh other than that: lost a few pounds (not that many), grew a beard (not that thick), finished one or two books, finished 40 or so TV series, and got really into drinking Moscow mules.

Nowwwwww we are having a baby! She's a girl, and she's supposed to be born on or around March 12th. So, now this blog is now dedicated to talking about her. Oh, also life, nachos, the Mariners, fitness, board games, rage, snark, my new house, my amazing wife, and Albert Camus. I might post pictures of several of those things, and probably none of the little one.

Mostly, I just love to write stuff. Maybe this will be a way for me to get better at it, or maybe this will just be a nice little journal chronicling what its like to be a new papa. We'll see!


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