
Hi everyone!

As many of you know, Adair and I made it safely into New Orleans and are staying in the dorms on campus for a few days while we get settled and try to find a place. I just figured out how to connect to the internet here, so more updates and more episodes of "Dane & Adair's Travel Log" should be up soon!

We experienced a small measure of homesickness the first night, as we found ourselves in a strange place surrounded by strange people and for now we don't really have a place to call our own. However, today I think we are both feeling better, and Adair is already off to work so that she can financially support my scholarly whims :)

Note: Thanks to Grandma for the explanation of the snow fences mentioned in day two of our "Travel Log," that was one of our guesses.

First impressions:
- It's hot, I'm sweating like CRAZY. They do not really state the heat in terms of temperature, but rather by "heat index," because the humidity can essentially add 10-15 degrees
- The Tulane campus is beautiful, and for the most part, people around here seem very friendly
- It's a little scary after dark, not knowing where we should and should not venture, but we are hoping with some experience we will be experts at this stuff.

More to come soon!


  1. Apparently that info about the snow fences came from Grandpa George. Thanks gpa!


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