A Little Perspective

Hey everyone,

Big thanks go out to Janet Bassett for giving me the idea to post a map showing where we are living in relation to some of the other landmarks in town.

The first is fairly zoomed out to include where Adair works, the second contains the same landmarks, just a bit closer. If you are still wondering where something is in particular, let me know and I will point it out!

P.S. I know that the pictures sometimes run into the blog text on the right. Not sure why it does that, sorry!


  1. Thanks, this is just what I needed. And speaking of just what people need, hooray for new friends, too.

  2. Hello Dane and Adair!

    So wonderful we can follow you via the blog. The map is perfect - shows me where you are and where you should be. Adair, have you earned any beads yet? Just wondering... I think of you often and admire you for going it in the hurricane. Such fun stories for your future children.

    love, pamela


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