I've Got the Power

Hi all!

At approximately 8:00 am this morning, Adair and I got power restored to our apartment after three full days of serious discomfort and pain. It's hard to complain too much, because there are definitely people out there in Louisiana that had/have it much harder than us, but this last week was maybe one of the most trying periods of our lives. We had heat indices of over 100 degrees every day after the hurricane finally moved out of our area, and at night I don't think it ever got to be less than 90 degrees inside our apartment. In addition, the humidity not only made everything less bearable, but also made every single corner of our apartment feel so wet that I am sure it will take days to dry our place out.

On the other hand, Adair and I had each other to lean on the entire time, and we make a great hurricane team. I don't think there was a single time when we turned on each other out of discomfort or anger, and I think we should be pretty proud of that.

Throughout the storm and the aftermath, I took some pictures and videos that I will post over the next few days.

Thank you all so much for your calls, texts, and general support during our time in the darkness. This was no "hurrication," but it really helped to have everyone out there thinking about us.

Talk again soon,


  1. Thanks, Dane, for this update, as we have been thinking about you and wondering how you are relative to everything we see in the news. I'd forgotten that it was also HOT while all this was going on...for some reason was thinking of it in the same way as a storm blowing down from Alaska...DUH!!! Did you have flooding in your neighborhood?

    Sometime when things calm down would you post some kind of map that shows where your apartment/campus/Adair's school are relative to the city as a whole and landmarks like the French Quarter and the state capitol?

    Sending calm and DRY vibes in your direction ~~~~~~~~~
    Janet (and Scott)

  2. That's a great idea Janet, I will definitely do that to give everyone some understanding of where we are.

    We haven't really had too much flooding in our area. The streets are a mess from trees and a few small buildings that were torn apart, but luckily we were mostly spared from the water.

    Thanks for the comment!

    1. PS Obviously the state capitol remark was inserted by my evil twin to make me look dumb.


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