Coming Up Roses

Hey everyone,

Last week may honestly rank among the absolute worst weeks of my entire privileged white boy life. I was flat on by back, or in the bathroom, for 7 days straight, without respite. Although Adair took incredibly good care of me (seriously, she's amazing) it was tough to not get down on myself, Louisiana, and just life in general. I feel like going days without seeing the sun will do that to you.

But, I am back on my feet, and things are already looking much better. I can eat real food, play outside, or at the very least sit up long enough to read some Game of Thrones. More importantly, various events have begun to go our way.

First of all, the Ducks are on Thursday night at a reasonable hour, and I can't wait. Second, the weather is significantly cooling off, and I can occasionally wear jeans and even more than one layer. You have no idea how good it feels; but I'll try not to harp on the weather too much, as it is my understanding that in Oregon, the heavens have positively opened to drown our friends and family. Third, I have an offer for a job! It's nothing hugely serious, just some part time work for a firm, but it feels like a major victory to me. They seem to really like my qualifications and tone (we have only spoken over the phone), so I'm very hopeful it blossoms into more. I can't wait to get in there and get my hands dirty.

In other news, Adair has bought groupons for both a swamp tour and a kayak tour of New Orleans, and we are anxious to cash them in. Also, they have world-renowned haunted houses down here, so Adair is insistent that we give at least one of them a try. For 20 bucks(!) I had better come out of there crying or at the very least shaking uncontrollably.

Miss you all,


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