Hurricane Updates

Hi everyone,

Today Adair and I made the decision to stay in our apartment for the duration of the storm, rather than evacuate in the face of Hurricane Isaac. After carefully considering every option and the pros and cons of each, it just made sense for us to secure ourselves in the only place where we really feel secure down here.

We are very prepared for an inevitable loss of power, the length of which could depend on how strong the storm is in our area, and how much damage it causes. It looks like most of the issues will be with the heavy heavy amount of rain, rather than the hurricane winds themselves. It's a really slow-moving storm, which means it will just dump and dump rain for several days, but we have provisions for the two of us that should last us quite a long while, should that sort of thing become necessary.

Nobody is still quite sure about the path of the storm, so we really don't know what the extent of the damage is going to be in New Orleans. However, as far as Adair and I are concerned, we are well protected by at least two strong levee and pump systems, and we have reason to believe that there is no reason for concern regarding heavy flooding in our area.

I promise to take some good pictures and video if we really end up in the thick of things, so look for footage in the coming week!



  1. Y'all be safe! Hopefully this will pass right through (and maybe we'll be lucky enough to keep electricity!) and we can move on.


  2. Stay safe, you'll be in our thoughts for the next few days. Hope the power stays on. Love you both , gma


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