What are we up to?

Hey everyone! Just thought I would give a little update about our status down here in the hottest place ever:

Adair is off to her second day of work today, leaving me as usual to take care of the housework. Sounds like yesterday went quite well (aside from some minor difficulty in, uh, "performing" during the urine test). She has met some really nice people, and her school has fully-functional air conditioning, a must-have for us northwesterners.

On top of that, some people at Adair's school recommended that we look for apartments in a development a few minutes west of town, and I think we are going to go for it. Some of them have already offered to carpool with her, which would solve many of our transportation concerns, and it looks like a really nice area as well. We have an appointment to see some places around 5:00 today, and if it looks good, we plan on applying and getting in there as soon as possible. It's a little uncomfortable not yet having a place of our own, and we are anxious to settle down and start actually living! Although we thought initially that we really wanted a place that was walking distance to school, I think living a bit outside of the downtown area will be just what we need. It will save Adair alot of worrying about crime, and save me alot of worrying about Adair.

As for my current status, I don't have much to do until school begins, which is a welcome change. After graduating, studying for the bar, taking the exam, driving down here, and looking for places, I am exhausted. For the most part right now, I am hanging out in one of the common rooms in the dorms where we are staying, watching the Olympics and fiddling around on the computer preparing for school. So far the campus looks pretty amazing, and the law school itself seems real nice and new.

Our interactions with New Orleans-ers (is that right?) so far have been a mixed bag. I'm sure we must look like deer in the headlights to most people, and it doesn't help that my only hat (which I have to wear, or otherwise look like I just ran a marathon) is a Mariners hat that immediately marks us as outsiders. I'm going to buy a Tulane hat as soon as possible.

Right now I can't say that we are comfortable with our surroundings quite yet, but it's getting much better, and soon I know it's all going to be second nature.

Miss you all!


  1. I believe it is New Orleanians- like Oregonians. Love the updates-keep em comin!


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