It's not the heat, it's the boredom that will kill ya

Hey everyone!

Just got back from a nice jog and a rainy swim in between thunder storms. The best part of exercising down here is that the sweat comes so quickly and so ferociously that you really feel like you completed something. Anyway, while we were swimming we saw a tiny little frog drop from a tree into the pool, personally I thought it was dead. Adair took it upon herself to grab a leaf that I was quite sure was far too small for the job, and attempted to save the little bugger. As it turned out, she had gotten there just in time! He clung like his life depended on it, and after a short recovery time, he hopped back into the foliage.

In other news, I finally start school this week! I'll be honest folks, I'm rockin a pretty solid schedule this term: 12 credits, 5 classes, aaaaaaaaand no class on Monday or Friday. Classes: Admiralty I, Marine Pollution, Collision & Limitation of Liability, Marine Insurance, and Personal Injury & Death. All maritime law classes, all real interesting. Hopefully, this schedule will maximize my potential ability to find a part time job in the field, which would be fantastic.

Adair's week in the classroom was a little rough. Lots of behavior problems, lots of drama. She doesn't feel like she has much institutional support down here, which can be really frustrating. However, I'm trying to keep her positive about everything, and I truly think things will turn around. She is such a fantastic teacher and role model, she just needs to find her groove down here.

We are still finding little ways to spruce our apartment up a bit...bought a clock, went to a garage sale and found some little pictures and frames to throw on the wall, etc. It's feeling more and more like a home every day. I'd say our homesickness overall is subsiding, although we have been catching up on episodes of Grimm, and the Portland atmosphere is looking pretty wonderful to us southerners.


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