What up y'all

Hey everyone,

Another week down, and it was a pretty enjoyable one. My first week of classes went well, I am noticing that it is so much easier to pay attention when the professors are saying interesting things! All but one of them is a currently-practicing lawyer, which is pretty cool. These guys really know their stuff, and their focus is much more on real-world practice. One professor in particular warrants description. My Marine Insurance professor is originally from South Africa, and has lived in New Orleans for like 35 years, sooooo he has the absolutely the strangest accent I have ever heard in my life. One moment he is in full South African mode, Matt Damon in Invictus style, and the next moment he might as well be Tennessee Williams. It's pretty amazing, I think the first class I just stared at him with my mouth open the entire time. Couple that with the fact that apparently South Africans don't know what political correctness is (he addressed this fact, but in advance refused to apologize for offending anyone...and at one point he made a Hitler joke) and he pretty obviously was hitting on the two blondes hiding in the back of the classroom. He seems insane but he promised to work really hard to get us all jobs, so count me in.

In other news, I finally received my financial aid check, so we can afford to do things like buy food and pay rent! You may find yourself asking, wait a minute, I thought Adair had a job? Well, inexplicably, and in my opinion, outrageously, the school system down here expects new teachers to live for over two months into the school year without even the hint of a paycheck. It's anarchy. I am seriously considering writing a letter. Anyway, with our newfound windfall burning a hole in our collective pocket, we figured we would make my Mom proud and check out what the local T.J. Maxx had to offer in terms of art and other household decor. We bought some stuff, and it felt damn good.

Keeping an eye on tropical storm Issac, looks right now that it might just lightly rustle our hair.

Oh, also, the beer down here is hilariously weak.


  1. Still waiting for Adair school pictures! I can't believe they haven't paid her yet. Sounds like Tulane is a good fit for you Dane. We are vert proud of you and Adair.



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